Friday, August 24, 2007

How To Make A Mojito

Learning how to make a mojito and other cocktails is in my top 10 things to learn or discover in order for me to become 'cooller and more interesting'.

As I get older I feel that I am quickly becoming dull and sad. I remember my youth when I was seriously considered 'cool'. Not to toot my own horn or anything but I was pretty adventurous (sp?).

I mean for example I took up snowboarding long before it was considered cool - I mean in those days skiers used to burn past my friends and I laughing at us, trying to push us out of the chair lift queues and then to add insult to injury (whenever we unfortunately wound up face planting they'd ski within inches kicking more snow into our faces)....but that's another story.

Back to the task of making a real mojito, I've decided perhaps to become a self taught cocktail expert on cool cocktails - not those ridiculous 'shag on the beach' variety. The kind of cocktail that you would willingly drink in front of James Bond, Frank Sinatra, the kind of cocktails that you'd whip up for pre-dinner drinks - you know nice ones.

All this is in part on my effort to well, get a new interest - that doesn't sound like an A-Z of the extra curricular activities on your first cv/resume. You know the photography, reading, pets, sky diving (yeah right), surfing the net.

So in my first effort of 'mojito' coolness before I learn how to make a mojito I'm going to start at the beginning and find out what is a real mojito? (I mean I don't want to look like an a*s and start making mojitos and then get hate mail from pedantic mojito connoisseurs that I'm committing crimes against mojitos by putting in the wrong stuff).

Actually I've already found a couple of recipes on the net, but I'm gonna do some more research first. Back soon with the short history (according to me) on the mojito.

1 comment:

Sunny Rivers said...

Great post - I got a good laugh for the day.

Just let me know when the real "mojitos" are going to be served - can't wait to taste one!
